In the event of a non fault accident, call us on:  028 9048 4484


Retrieve a Quote

Everytime you complete a quote on our website, we save your quotes in your secure online account. All quotes are valid for 30 days and you can go back to them and buy a policy at any time during this period. You can even amend your details to generate new quotes if you want to make a change. After the 30 days is over you can still view the quotes for reference purposes although the prices will not be valid any more.


Breakdown Recovery Insurance - How to make a claim

In the event that Your Vehicle is immobilised as a result of electrical or mechanical breakdown
 or accident (including fire or malicious damage) please contact Our Helpline on the numbers
 below as soon as possible:

 Breakdown Service within the UK and Northern Ireland call : 02890 485219
 Breakdown Service within the Republic of Ireland call : 01 804 4328
 Legal Expenses Cover call : 02890 410 220
 Under the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy for breakdown assistance cover We
 will arrange for Your Vehicle to be taken to the nearest repairer, secure premises or if nearer,
 Your home.

This service is provided throughout Ireland and the United Kingdom.

Please note that if You should engage the services of any Recovery Operator prior to making
 contact with the Helpline any costs that You incur are not covered by this policy.

Additional Benefits:
 We will relay on Your behalf up to two urgent messages to worried friends, relatives
 or employers following any unforeseen delay due to a Breakdown Incident.

 If Your Vehicle cannot be repaired within a reasonable period of time, We will provide
 either of the following benefits:

A replacement Vehicle for up to 48 hours subject to availability.


Overnight accommodation i.e. the cost of overnight accommodation including
 breakfast in a local hotel whilst You wait for the repairs to Your Vehicle be completed.
 The Breakdown Incident must have occurred more than 60 miles/96 Kms from Your home.
 This additional cover extends to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and
 the maximum We will pay in providing these additional benefits is €250/£275.
 If You are required to settle a hotel account, please retain the receipt and forward to
 MIS Claims on Your return. We will only be responsible for the cost of accommodation
 including breakfast. Any other meals, drinks or other costs will be the responsibility
 of the Policyholder.

The benefits in this section are only provided following a substantial mechanical or electrical breakdown.

Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and representatives) Act 2012

Under this act it is the duty of the consumer to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to the Insurer either before a Consumer Insurance Contract is entered into or varied.

For the purposes of this Act a qualifying misrepresentation is deliberate or reckless if the consumer:

Knew that it was untrue or misleading, or did not care whether or not it was true or misleading and knew that the matter to which the misrepresentation related was relevant to the Insurer, or did not care whether or not it was relevant to the Insurer.

Any such misrepresentation could invalidate your insurance cover and mean that part or all of any claim on the policy may not be paid.


We are UK General Insurance Ltd, referred to as “we/us/our” in this notice. Our data controller registration number issued by the Information Commissioner’s Officer is Z7739575


This privacy notice is relevant to anyone who uses our services, including policyholders, prospective policyholders, and any other individuals insured under a policy. We refer to these individuals as "you/your” in this notice.


We are dedicated to being transparent about what we do with the information that we collect about you. We process your personal data in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation.

  Why do we process your data?  

The provision of your personal data is necessary for us to administer your insurance policy and meet our contractual requirements under the policy. You do not have to provide us with your personal data, but we may not be able to proceed appropriately or handle any claims if you decide not to do so.

  What information do we collect about you?  

Where you have purchased an insurance policy through one of our agents, you will be aware of the information that you gave to them when taking out the insurance. The agent will pass your information to us so that we can administer your insurance policy.


For specific types of insurance policies, for example when offering you a travel insurance policy, we may process some special categories of your personal data, such as information about your health.


We have a legitimate interest to collect this data as we are required to use this information as part of your insurance quotation or insurance policy with us. We may also process the data where it is necessary for a legal obligation, or as part of the establishment or defence of a legal claim.

  UK General’s full privacy notice  

This notice explains the most important aspects of how we use your data. You can get more information about this by viewing our full privacy notice online at [^] or request a copy by emailing us at Alternatively, you can write to us at: Data Protection, UK General Insurance Ltd, Cast House, Old Mill Business Park, Gibraltar Island Road, Leeds, LS10 1RJ.

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