In the event of a non fault accident, call us on:  028 9048 4484


Retrieve a Quote

Everytime you complete a quote on our website, we save your quotes in your secure online account. All quotes are valid for 30 days and you can go back to them and buy a policy at any time during this period. You can even amend your details to generate new quotes if you want to make a change. After the 30 days is over you can still view the quotes for reference purposes although the prices will not be valid any more.


Have you been involved in a

non fault accident ?

Click here

or call us on:028 9048 4484

Local Breakdown


Travel Insurance

NI Rated
Home Insurance

Peace of mind with MIS Claims Ltd

Ireland's largest independent claims manangement company

Motorists Insurance Services LTD ( MIS ) was established in 1993 to deliver to the Irish motorist, an accident management service with expert local knowledge and skills base to service their immediate needs following a road traffic accident. Today MIS are the largest claims management company in Ireland providing both Insurers and Motor Intermediaries with an outsourced solution to their claim handling requirements.

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